Botuak hill is located in Bantai Village, Bonti District, Sanggau Regency. Botuak hill has a height of 726 meters above sea level and has a beautiful view because there the view of the other hills is still green.

The journey to the botuak hill from the city of pontianak is about 4 to 5 hours depending on the speed. The parking lot, directly under the foot of the mountain or the river bank near the hill road, has been prepared by residents for motorbike parking.

After arriving there we walked 30 minutes to the foot of the mountain. We rest because climbing to the top is better in the afternoon. Because if we go up to the hill the afternoon is very hot. Because going up to the hill immediately climbs to the top, there are no trees, only green weeds, so it's nice to go up in the afternoon, not too hot.

When we are at the top we will see views of other hills that are still green and beautiful in clay from the top of the hill. In this bonti area, there is a complex of hills or many beautiful hills there. This betuak hill is still green, nature is guarded and it's really nice to relax while enjoying coffee, it's really really good.

Hopefully this experience can be useful and for friends who have the same hobby, don't litter, bring trash back down. Take care of our forests and hills. Greetings sustainable.


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