Mount poteng is a nature reserve. The poteng mountain is in the shape of a thumb. Gunung Poteng is located in Pajintan Village, East Singkawang District, Singkawang City. Mount Poteng, which is located only about 8 km from Singkawang City, can be reached by two-wheeled or four-wheeled motorized vehicles, with a travel time of only 15 minutes.

Mount Poteng also has a variety of flora and fauna that are only found on the mountain such as the Dipterocarpaceae, Ebenaceae, Lauramceae species with the types of Empaning (Qurros bennetti), meranti, babab, marabatu and mertana, natural wood (Eugenia sp.), and sugar palm. (Arenga pinnata). Within the nature reserve area, there are several types of protected natural orchids and Raflesia Tuan Madae and Raflesia Padma flowers. The fauna that live in this area are protected fauna, including forest fowl, honey birds, ancuit birds, hornbills, tangkaraba, tiung, wild boars, red squirrels, flying squirrels, binturong, long tailed macaques, slow lorises, porcupines, humpbacks, pangolins, green snakes, barking fish, monitor lizards, langurs, clouded leopards and deer

From these kinds of flora and fauna, we must protect and protect the forest from people who want to use it for profit.

The story continues, when we arrived at the village, we could park at Pak RT's place or at the waterfall. However, it is better to park at the local RT where our vehicles are safer. After that we walked from Pak RT's place to the waterfall, 45 minutes to 1 hour. After arriving at the waterfall we can eat or take a shower break there. Because the waterfall there is like a container or embankment, the main water is good for bathing and having fun. However, we still maintain our behavior and words because this poteng mountain is actually a lot of mystery or haunted. So we keep our behavior and words. Because in this waterfall there are many mysteries or creatures that are invisible to the eye or spirits. Sometimes there are many scary stories from the villagers.

After the waterfall to the top only 2 to 3 hours. Not too far. On our way up we will see a forest that is still beautiful and has a step-by-step flora. Usually, if we are lucky, we can see reflexa flowers or large corpse flowers.

After we reach the top we will see the beauty of the forests that are still green. If at night we can see the lights or lights from the city in the beautiful city of Singkawang, it makes us forget a little about the problems or worldly busyness in the city, making us more relaxed and peaceful there at the top of Mount Poteng.

In the morning we can have coffee or a warm drink. While looking at the beauty of the scenery at the top of the beautiful poteng mountain.

That's all from my experience to be useful. Do not forget to be happy. For friends who like to go on vacation to tourist attractions, please keep your behavior and words. Don't cut or break any wood and don't throw it carelessly if you can, bring the trash back down so that our tourist attractions are maintained and always beautiful.


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